Endowed scholarships have a lasting impact for generations to come, providing resources in perpetuity for future Endicott students.
A - K
Alumni Council Scholarship Fund
Tania (Rozenski) Barton '68 ∆
Caleb Brunell
Susan (Madore) Clark '77 ∆
Stephanie (Spanos) Honan '69 ∆
Kendra Mar '92
Nicolette Massaro '17 ∆ *
Linda (Steeves) Milley '74 & Alexander Milley ∆ *
Mary Rhatigan '13
Kendra Scott LLC ∆
Karaline Stark '11 ∆ *
Cynthia (Arcoleo) Westerman '84 P'16, '18 & David Westerman P'16, '18 ∆
Anna Moyer Steidel & G. Theodore Steidel Scholarship Fund
Nancy (Steidel) Desnoyers '50 ∆
Annie Collyer Sutton MH'61 Scholarship
Gail & Craig Kinney
John Sutton
The Arlene Sydiskis Battistelli '60 Scholarship
Arlene (Sydiskis) Battistelli '60 ∆
The Arline and Sal DiSalvo Scholarship
Dr. Steven R. DiSalvo & Eileen DiSalvo Δ
Concours d'Elegance Scholarship
Henry Ames
Ann M. Fagan Charitable Foundation
Peter Beatrice, III
David Bertoni
Best Agents Online LLC
Stephen Blumberg
Nathan Bodset
Roland Boucher ∆
Erin & Christopher Brewer P'25
Keith Buckley ∆
CB Restorations, Inc.
Martha & Michael Chapman ∆
Richard Corelle
Dean Cusano
Cycles 128 ∆
Dick Shappy Vintage Auto Sales LLC
Donald Dusenberry
EAB Business Trust
Eric Eisenberg ∆
Jane & Thomas Ellsworth
European Motorsports, Inc.
Ann Fagan ∆
Janet & Sam Foster
Brad Franckum
Genesco Sports Enterprises, Inc.
Therese Goodridge & Richard Leblanc, Sr.
Nick Grewal ∆
The Grewal Charitable Foundation ∆
Hagerty Insurance Agency LLC ∆
Sheila Haley
William Healey
George Hoxha
Duncan Hsu
Daniel Hurley P'26
Kellco Management, Inc. ∆
George Kuntz, III '04 M'06
Patrick Leach ∆
Mark Lewis
Steven Mackey
Bruce Male ∆
Jay Miller
Judi & Joseph Moccia
John Nai
Charles Nazarian ∆
Warner Ogden
Edward Owen
Max Peckler ∆
Laurence Perry
Jonathan Poore
Holliday & Nathaniel Pulsifer
Quarto Publishing Group USA
Anthony Rainone
Philip Roitman
Robert Rosenbaum ∆
Sheryl Russell M'11
Elisa Salmon
Philip Salmon
Robert Sarmanian
Nancy & John Shane ∆
The Shane Foundation Trust
Siimko Motorcars LLC
Mike Silverstein
Bradley Small
Ralph Smith ∆
James Sprague ∆
The Sullivan Company
Lawrence Taylor
Blake Witherington
Wayne Woodruff
The Corcoran Fund
Merlyn & Bourke Corcoran ∆ *
Craig Sampson III Memorial Scholarship
Erica Fleming '18 M'19
Hannah (Carlin) Gingras '18 ∆
Christopher Horack '18 ∆ ^^
Deborah Locke '94 ∆
Chiuho Sampson & Craig Sampson, Jr. ∆
Averill Snyder '18
Rachele Stein '18 M'19 ∆
Curtis Havens Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund
Anonymous ∆
David & Barbara Broudo Art Scholarship
Mark Towner ∆
Dr. Richard E. Wylie Memorial Scholarship Fund
Anne (McGirr) Crowley '67 ∆
ÑÇÖÞÉ«°É Faculty Association
Margaret (Sansiveri) Palmer '82 & Scott Palmer ∆
Edith Bliss '42 Scholarship Fund
Brendan Cronin '99 M'03 P'10, '13 & Dr. Christine Cronin P'10, '13 ∆
Erin (Neuhardt) LeBlanc '06 M'13 ∆
Marcia (Ellis) Moser '67 & Charles Moser ∆
Dr. Linda Robson ∆
ÑÇÖÞÉ«°É's Endowment Fund
Berthe (Mason) Cowles '59 & Robert Cowles ∆
Dr. Gabrielle Watling ∆
The Flatley Scholarship
Mary (Hogan) Flatley '72 & Thomas Flatley ∆
General Emergency Endowment Fund
Melvin Manson, Jr. ∆
The Holly Pearson Fletcher '61 Scholarship for Single Parents
Holly (Pearson) Fletcher '61 ∆
The Hutchinson Family Scholarship
Kelly & Richard Hutchinson P'21 ∆
Isobel Hunter '46 Warren Scholarship
Elizabeth (Warren) Hamill '69 ∆
Jane Lang Memorial Scholarship
Melvin Manson, Jr. ∆
The Judith & Charles Clayman Scholarship
Judith Clayman P'91 ∆ (D)
L - Z
Linda Klebanoff Auxiliary Scholarship
Estate of Linda L. Klebanoff '58
The Linda Milley '74 Endowed Scholarship
The Alexander and Linda Milley Foundation ∆
Linda (Steeves) Milley '74 & Alexander Milley ∆ *
Malden Hospital School of Nursing Alumni Association Scholarship Fund
Ruth (Lowsco) Allukian MH'66
Ann (Aulenbach) Bell MH'60
Maureen (Hoey) Bencale MH'78
Linda Bracey MH'72
Barbara Brady MH '60 ∆
Pamela (Brennick) Brown MH'69
Stella (Berrigan) Card MH'63 ∆
Rosemarie (DeSantis) Carey MH'62 ∆
Maryann (Corea) Carroll MH'83 ∆
Michelle & Michael Carter P'19, '22 ∆
Barbara & Howard Chow P'17 ∆
Elizabeth (Getchell) Contompasis MH'68 ∆
Elaine (DeFronzo) Costello MH'69
Karen Crosby ∆
Susan DeFelice MH' ∆
Mary (Smith) Degurski MH'80 ∆
Cassandra (Ludwig) Dionne MH'76 ∆
Geraldine (Beaton) Docherty MH'56
Christine (Howlett) Donahue MH'63 ∆
Susan Feeney MH'69 ∆
Kaitlin Fleming '18 M'19
Emily Forward '23 ∆ *
Elaine (Guarino) Frontero MH'67 ∆
Betsy & Kenneth Gale P'22 ∆
Ellen (Flag) Garneau MH'67 ∆
Beverly (Sykes) Geary RN CCRN MH'61
Stephanie (Smith) Gibree MH'78 ∆
Paula Gillespie '74 ∆
Barbara (Kleponis) Greland MH'66
Teresa Grignon MH'70
Ann (McCarthy) Hanlon RN MH'62 ∆
Agnes Ronan Harkness MH'56
Melissa Hines-Bock MH'84 ∆
Mary (Hickey) Ioven MH'67 ∆
Carol (Barnes) Jackson MH'62
Gail (MacDonald) Jones MH’61
Karen Jones
Kristina (Buono) Kelley '10 ∆
Anne (Slavin) Kelly MH'56 ∆
Lisa Kernan ∆
Maxine (Peltzman) Klane MH'71 ∆
Jacqueline (Bell) Kovacs MH'64 ∆
Margaret (McGrath) Landry MH'63 ∆
Jeanne (Stead) Lane MH'61
Karen (Ott) Leahy MH'67 ∆
Carol (Clifford) Lyonnais MH'62 ∆
Eleanor (Bosma) MacAulay MH'55
Cathleen (Peterson) Macrelli MH'79 '15 M'18 ∆
Anne McCusker MH'55 ∆
Casey (Gray) McGrath '10 M'14 ∆
Carole Nania MH'62 ∆
Melissa Natale ∆
Kathleen (Dillon) Noonan MH'84 ∆
Kathleen (Ryan) Nylin MH'67 ∆
Kathryn (Coughlin) O'Brien MH'61 & Richard O'Brien ∆
Camille (LaCambria) Oliver MH'63 & John Oliver ∆
Laurie (Blake) Pariseau MH'85
Dr. Sara Quay ∆
Claudia (Zirpolo) Racalbuto MH'71 ∆
Caitlin Ryan '23
Elaine Slocumb MH'65 ∆
Dr. Emily Smith ∆
Lorraine (Morabito) Smith MH'64 ∆
Charlene (Grigas) Stentiford MH'73
Veta (Berit) Stone MH'63
Eileen (Lynch) Sullivan MH'64
Francine Theberge MH'76
Amy (deCastro) Warren '06 ∆
Roberta (Romano) Whalen MH'64 ∆
Marguerite Petersen and Alma Davids Petersen Scholarship
Anonymous ∆
Mary Thompson Grassi '72 Scholarship
Mary (Thompson) Grassi '72 & Robert Grassi ∆
Nadine M. Bolen '06 Memorial Scholarship Fund
Sharon Bolen & Robert Bolen, Jr. ∆
Frank Celani ∆
Sarah Cruse ∆
Jennifer Lambert '07 ∆
Erin (Neuhardt) LeBlanc '06 M'13 ∆
Christine Spaziano '98 ∆
Nancy S. & Paul J. Desnoyers Scholarship
Lisa Desnoyers ∆
Paula M. Chandoha '69 Family Scholarship
Paula Chandoha '69 ∆
Peter Frates Memorial Scholarship Fund
Nancy Frates & John Frates, Jr. ∆
Peter Henderson & Lynne B. O'Toole Keys to Degrees Scholarship
Austin Sale
The Salice Family Academic Support Scholarship
Regina (Salice) McCrossan '13
Susan & Thomas Salice P'13 ∆
The Salice Family Foundation ∆
The Salice Family Scholarship Fund
Regina (Salice) McCrossan '13
Susan & Thomas Salice P'13 ∆
The Salice Family Foundation ∆
Shanklin Family Scholarship
Molly & Norman Shanklin ∆
Shanklin Foundation ∆
Steven and Eileen DiSalvo Endowed Scholarship
Margaret Janes ∆
Susan (Kiernan) Santin '83 P'16 & Ernest Santin P'16 ∆
Santin Development Group ∆
The Spencer Family Scholarship
Suzanne Spencer & W. Thomas Spencer, Jr. ∆
Spencer Family Charitable Fund ∆
The Tupper Fund
Tupper Family Association of America, Inc. ∆
Willam B. Ardiff Scholarship
William B. Ardiff Trust
William 'Billy' Mullen '15 Memorial Scholarship
Lynne & Stephen Stasiak P'15 ∆
Zachary Markowitz '14 Memorial Scholarship
Anthony Barbuto ∆
Adam Benoit '12
Cheryl & Paul DeShaw P'12
Morgan DeShaw '12 M'14 & Colin Sitarz '12 M'13 ∆ *
Gregory Desrochers '02 & Jessica (Kellough) Desrochers '02 M'06 ∆ * ^^
Noah Eisenbruch
General Electric Foundation
Sarah Mulcahey
Alison O'Connor '12
Kevin Rooney ∆
Margaret & Robert Sitarz P'07, '12 ∆ *
Nicole Taylor
Annual Fund Scholarships
Annual Fund Scholarships
Academic Coaching Scholarship
Arie Adler
American Online Giving Foundation, Inc. ∆ *
Davi Axinn Levine ∆ *
Susan Carmichael & Ronald Kesicki P'23 ∆ *
Amy Cohn ∆
Joy Erickson ∆
AnneMarie & Kenneth Fowler P'24 ∆ *
Barbara & Richard French P'22 ∆
Jadyn Gentile '23
Georgianna Jones '23
Amanda (Silva) Kaulbach '09
Jennifer & Mark McCartin P'24 ∆
Olivia Metzger P'25 ∆
Caitlin O'Keefe '22 M'23 ∆
Renaissance Charitable Foundation, Inc. ∆
Gino Romani P'26
Madalin Sanchez
Abby & Derek Stern P'26 *
Margaret (Renwick) Tutone '60 ∆
Candace O. Copp, class of 1968 Annual Scholarship
Candace (Copp) Fredette '68 & Donald Fredette ∆
Corporate Scholars Annual Scholarships
Foth Infrastructure & Environment LLC ∆
Cynthia Balesteri '03 Ray Memorial Scholarship
Kim & David Briggs P'16
General Scholarship Fund
Semahagn Abebe ∆
Stacy & Matthew Adams P'25 ∆
Samuel Alexander ∆
Maria Alvarez-Frangos M'03 ∆
American Online Giving Foundation, Inc. ∆ *
Deborah Angelosanto ∆
Susan Antonellis & Dr. Paul Antonellis, Jr. P'25 ∆
Valerie (Boltz) Austin '70 ∆
Sarah (Smith) Bapp '92
Diana Barr '16 & Paul Barr P'20, '22
Jaime Behen '13 M'18
Deborah Biagiotti M'04
Casey Boumenot '22
Suzanne Bowering '83 ∆
Carole & Stephen Brady P'12 ∆
Rafael Brea-Diaz ∆
Christina Broderick ∆
Lauren Burke *
Owen Burkett *
Maureen & David Burns ∆
Jeffrey Butters ∆
Rosa & Hector Cadena P'25 ∆
Thomas Callahan ∆
Julie Calzini ∆
Brenda & Christopher Campbell P'20, '21 ∆
Carolyn (Stathakis) Carilli '15 ∆
Colleen & Chris Castellano P'26 * ^^
Vikki-Lynn & Joseph Castellano P'15
Dr. Gianluca Caterina ∆
Aaron Chamberland '04 M'05 & Brianna (Martin) Chamberland '05 ∆
Lynn & James Choquette P'24 ∆
Sandra (Banas) Clark '67 ∆
Lorie (Whitney) Cochran '75 P'05 & Robert Cochran P'05 ∆
Evelyn (Hannes) Cohen '69 ∆
John Cordeiro ∆
Silvia Coulter
Nicole & John Cox P'26
Richard Cunningham P'25 *
Jodie Daley P'17, '20 ∆
Dr. Amy Damico ∆
Catherine Davison ∆
Meagan (Murphy) DeJesus '09 ∆
Deidre Depathy P'23 ∆
Laura (Yaz) Deppert '85 & Thomas Deppert ∆
Andrea (Trudel) Dinneen '78 ∆
Danielle Drapeau '06
John Duggan ∆
Diane (Bouchard) Dupuis '66 ∆
Frances Dykstra P'09 & Ricky Lugar P'09 ∆
Louise & David Eklund P'03 ∆
ÑÇÖÞÉ«°É Faculty Association
Marla (Weston) Esposito '81
Henry Feild ∆
Anthony Ferullo ∆ *
Blair Frank
Anke (Ghering) Franklin '79 ∆
David Freeman '16 ∆
Christine Galatis ∆
Betsy & Kenneth Gale P'22 ∆
Suzanne & Matthew Galusi P'26
Francesca Gilkey
Dr. Charlotte Gordon ∆
Alda & Joseph Goulart P'12 ∆
Allison Hardison '23
Stephen Hardwick ∆
Janell Hayward P'23 ∆
Allison Heenan ∆
Dr. Mark Herlihy P'15 & Theresa Johnson-Herlihy P'15 ∆
Anielia & William Hodgson P'23 *
Maria Inestroza P'08, '12 & Dr. Sergio Inestroza P'08, '12 ∆ *
Roni Iwata
J. McLaughlin ∆
Ann (Bollenback) Jamison '82 & Tom Jamison
Brandi Johnson ∆
Ciara Johnson M'16 ∆
Linda & Simon Kaalman P'23 ∆
Edward Karadizian P'25 & Sharon O'Brien P'25 ∆
Kim & Stephen Kay P'20 ∆
Kimberly Keeley '94 ∆
Dr. John Kelley ∆
Dr. Michael Kilburn ∆
Jaimie Klopotoski M'16
Jennifer Klopotoski M'05 & Robert Klopotoski M'04 ∆
Taylor (Mack) Kormes '14
Eileen Kushner
Barron Leeds P'10 ∆ *
Susan & John LeTourneau P'11 ∆
Lori Leurini P'24 ∆
Lisa (Iwanski) Levasseur '83 ∆
Dr. Randall Livingstone ∆
Joshua Lynch ∆
Nemanja Marinkovic '07 ∆
Heide (Berr) Maroun '86 ∆
Roselyn Masam & Sanjay Ramella ∆
Dr. Wesley McCain P'15 & Noreene Storrie P'15 ∆
Rylee McClintock '23
Susan McGurrin ∆
Ursula (Mueller) McMullen '58 & Edwin McMullen, Jr. ∆
Dr. Kelsey McNiff ∆
Joan Milkovits '72
Pritesh Mistry
Margaret Mooney '72 ∆
Eldora Moore P'19 ∆
Maria Morelli
Jason Nichol ∆
Lynn Nickulas '73
Allison Oliver '19
Bertha Osorio-Delgado *
Aimee (Pierson) O'Sullivan '94
Nancy (Winter) Patrick '70 P'06 & James Patrick, III P'06 ∆
Douglas Peebles
Susan (Miller) Penn '69 ∆
Hannah Pleskowicz '23
BettyAnne (Taylor) Putnam '62 ∆
Deborah Raposa P'11 ∆
Lisa Richard '85 ∆
Sally (Holton) Sakewicz '64 ∆
Tess Samperi P'18 ∆
Linda Schneider
Beth Schwartz ∆
Susan & George Sherman P'19, '21 ∆
Rosemary Smith '74 ∆
Abdourrachid Sow '20
Robert Spurrier
Lynne & Stephen Stasiak P'15 ∆
Roxanne & Keith Steele P'26
Anne (Richardson) Stevens M'02
Suzanne Thatcher P'23
Dr. Aubry Threlkeld M'23 ∆
Hester Tinti-Kane
Marcia Toomey M'02 ∆
Trudy (Gove) Tronco '89
Aimee & James Tucker P'26
Margaret (Renwick) Tutone '60 ∆
Pauline Vanech '66 ∆
Veronica Wallace-Ewing '15
Marissa Welch '16
The Wesley G. McCain, Noreene Storrie & Malcolm W. S. McCain Family Charitable Fund ∆
Roslyn (Schwartz) Winston '68 ∆
Catherine Wong P'26 & Dr. Gene Wong P'26
Dr. Weican Xiao ∆
Dr. William Young ∆
The Inspire Scholarship
Dr. Alefiya Albers
Geoffrey Allison
American Lazer Services, Inc.
Bank of America Charitable Gift Fund
Bank of America NA ∆
Michael Boland & Sylvia Chang
Valerie (Blodgett) Broe '84 ∆
Douglas Brown ∆
C & R Enterprises, Inc.
Keith Carlson ∆
Brownie Carson
Thomas Clifford
Construction Management & Builders, Inc. ∆ *
Gregory Copeland
Jacob DeFillipo '20
Sam DeMarco ∆
Michael Demetrio
Robert Dinuzzo
Michael Diodati
Anthony Donaldson ∆
Cassandra (Grant) Dowd '87 ∆
Dulac Concrete Foundations, Inc.
Dynamic Waste Systems Inc. ∆
Raymond Egan
Wendy Ellis '79 ∆
William Ellis ∆
Empire Historical Restorations, Inc. ∆
Faces Brewing Company, Inc.
Michael Falcone
Christine Fedele ∆
Fenway Group ∆
Fiducient Advisors ∆
First Insurance Service LLC ∆
Dorothea (Havighurst) Freeman '71 ∆
June (Stehle) Gara '61 ∆
John Gendelman ∆
Amelia George '23 ∆
Jack Goodwin ∆
Granite Telecommunications LLC
Mary (Thompson) Grassi '72 & Robert Grassi ∆
David Greenman
Hampshire Fire Protection Co.
Hancock Survey Associates, Inc.
Thomas Hanley, Jr. ∆
Allison Heenan ∆
Neal Heffron ∆
Patrick Hewett ∆ *
Historic Motor Sports LLC
Maria Inestroza P'08, '12 & Dr. Sergio Inestroza P'08, '12 ∆ *
Interior Stone LLC
Interstate Electrical Services Corp. ∆
Michael Iorio ∆
Holly & Alan Johnson
David Kaplan
Alicia Kessler M'19
Richard Klein ∆
David Landow
Kristin (Murphy) Laskowski '05
Leslie Ray Insurance
William Lillie ∆
Dr. Philip Lombardo ∆
Robert Lutts ∆
Susan Macrone '81
Magee Family Trust ∆
Bruce Male ∆
Barbara & Dennis Mamchur ∆
Dale (Roncari) Meck '69 ∆
Micros Northeast ∆
Diane Mierz
Jay Miller
Alison Miniter
Meghan (Fitzgerald) Monaco M'13 ∆
Marc Moreau
John Nai
New England Packard Specialties, Inc. ∆
Emma Nyangwara '23 ∆
People's United Bank - Bridgeport
Jeffrey Picard
Patricia & David Porter
Paula (Martin) Prive '81 ∆
Dr. Sara Quay ∆
Constance (Samuel) Robison '71
Philip Roitman
Robert Rosenbaum ∆
Axel Rosenblad ∆
S.J. Services, Inc. ∆ *
A Kim Saal ∆
James Sama
Patricia Scangas '70 & Matthew Dietel ∆
Zachary Schulman
Mary & Walter Scott ∆
Megan & Brian Shepherd P'22 ∆
Sodexo, Inc. & Affiliates ∆
Stanley Elevator Company, Inc. ∆
Karaline Stark '11 ∆ *
Supreme Systems, Inc. New England
Cindy Thompson M'19
Trowt Moving & Storage, Inc. ∆
Jennifer & Rodney Uyeda P'25 ∆ * ^^
Vintage & Auto Rebuilds, Inc. ∆
WB Engineers + Consultants
Western Carriers, Inc.
Andrew Wilson ∆
Windover Construction, Inc. ∆
Blake Witherington
Steven Wolf ∆
Jennifer Yoo ∆
John Cheffers AF Scholarship
Sarah Nastasi P'14 & Dr. Richard Nastasi P'14 ∆
Sean Bisighini '11 Memorial Scholarship
Matthew Mastas '11 *
Wells Family Annual Scholarship
David C. Wells Memorial Fund ∆
Christopher Wells P'19, '21, '24 ∆
(D) – Deceased
P – Parent
GP – Grandparent
MH – Malden Hospital School of Nursing Alumna/us
∆ – Cornerstone Society Member
* – Gull Club Donor
^^ – Gull Ambassador
Names in bold type are those who contributed $500 or more