A - C
Susan Abate P'17 ∆
Emily & Brian Abt P'26 *
Denise Accordino P'23 ∆
Michael Accordino P'23 ∆
Harry Achatz P'26 *
Jean Achatz P'26 *
Shakila & Scott Adams P'26
Stacy & Matthew Adams P'25 ∆
Marilyn & Stuart Adelberg P'17 ∆
Elizabeth & George Adrian P'23 ∆ *
Susan & Craig Ahrens P'22 ∆ *
Sorana Ailinca-Luchian P'26
Maureen & Mohammed Akhouzine P'26 *
Bethany & Scott Akins P'24
Maureen & Omer Akisik P'24 *
Natalie & Raymond Alarcon P'26 *
Mary Jo & Keith Albert P'23 ∆ *
Debra Alexandre P'26 *
Holly & Michael Allen P'25 *
Lisa & James Allendorph P'15 *
Lisa & Barry Alofsin P'22 ∆
Cynthia & Richard Altieri P'05 ∆ *
Chester Alvarez & Mabel Gutierrez P'26 ∆ *
Carrie Ann & John Amero P’25 ∆ *
Beth & Todd Amsley P'23 *
Karen Anderson P'26 *
Robin & David Anderson P'26 *
Beth & Marc Andler P'10 ∆
Cheryl Ando P'26 *
Wendy Andre P'26
Michelle Andreottola P'26 *
Laura & Philip Andriola P’26 *
Mary Ellen & Paul Angelo P'19 ∆
Cynthia & Steven Anslow P'26 *
Gretchen Antonelli P'26 & Robert Antonelli, Jr. P'26 *
Susan Antonellis P'25 & Dr. Paul Antonellis, Jr. P'25 ∆
Wendy & Robert Archibald P'02 ∆
James Arnette P'25 *
Kathryn & Anand Athavale P'26
Lisa (Bacchiochi) Auer '73 P'09 & David Auer P'09 ∆
Elina Avetisyan P'24 & Artour Manoukian P'24 ∆ *
Jim Awiszus P'22, '25 ^^
Susan Ayers M'09, P'18 & John Ayers M'10, P'18 ∆
Mary & Brian Aylward P'24 ∆ *
Nichole & Kevin Aylwin P'23, '25, '26 ∆ *
Sarah & Matt Baer P'26 *
Adria & Aaron Bagshaw P'26 *
Carrie & Peter Baker P'24 ∆ *
Renee & Fred Balbino P'24
Kimberly & Louis Ballerene P'25 *
Maura Bannon P'26 & Seth Kroeck P'26
Colleen Barber P'26 *
Charlene & Thomas Barbieri P'23, '26 ∆ *
Kristin & Glen Barclay P'26 *
Marianne Barker '04, P'18 & Richard Barker P'18 ∆
Pamela & John Barker P'25 *
Kathleen (Hildreth) Barnes '72, P’13 & Eugene Barnes, III P’13 ∆
Diana Barr '16, P'20, '22 & Paul Barr P'20, '22
Kim Barror P'26 ∆
Louise & David Barrow P'23 ∆ *
Tammy & Gregg Barsalou P'25
Shawn Bastien P'25 ∆ *
Lisa Batista P'25 ∆
Susan & Brian Battaglia P'18 ∆
Missy & Dana Battista P'15, '21
Katie Bauman P'26 *
Amy & Scott Baumer P'26
Cristina & Jon Baylis P'22 ∆
Joy Beatrice P’25 ∆
Kelly & Benjamin Beaudet P'26 *
Cynthia & Frank Beckhusen P'26 *
Paula & Christopher Beebe P'21 ∆ *
Lorie Beekley P'22 *
Ilana & Mark Beigel P'25 *
Mary Anne & Stephen Bek P'21 ∆
Christine & Kevin Belanger P'24 ∆ *
Arlene & David Belleville P'24 ∆ ^^
Amy & Andrew Berdos P'25 ∆ *
Amy Bergeron P'24 *
Kerry & Wade Bergeron P'24
Andrew Berler P'23 ∆ *
Anne & Marrick Bernstein P'26 * ^^
Eileen & Arthur Bertoni P'17 ∆ *
Meghan & Kevin Bettencourt P'26 *
Cynthia & Davidson Bettero P'24
Julie & Scott Bianco P'25 *
Rebecca Bicknell P'25 ∆ *
Cheryl & Joseph Bierwirth P'24 ∆ *
Tamara Bill P'25 ∆
Lisa & Stan Biskup P'21 ∆
Jennifer & Drew Black P'26 *
Donna & Daniel Blanco P'26 *
Corrinne & Michael Bleck P'19 ∆ *
Antonia & David Blinn P'26 *
Danielle Blodgett P'25
Jill & Robert Boender P'22 ∆ *
Noreen & William Bolt P'13 ∆
Bonnie Bonanno P'19 *
Jennifer & Matthew Bonenfant P'24
Debra & Brian Bonollo P'24 ∆ *
Theresa & Anthony Borey P'20 *
Julia & James Bosland P'18, '19 ∆
Debra & Michael Bostrom P'23 ∆
Kristine & Russ Bouchard P'20 *
Antoinette & Dean Boucher P'24 *
Rhonda & David Boudreau P'23 ∆
Susan & John Bousquet P'24
Mari & Doug Bowen P'21 ∆
Carole & Stephen Brady P'12 ∆
Donna Bramante P'24 & John InDelicato P'24 ∆ *
Rhonda & Michael Bramante P'23 ∆
Terre Branch P'16 & James Branch, III P'16 *
Jackie & Nicholas Breitenbach P'26 *
Kristen & Shawn Brennan P'24 ∆ *
Douglas Bressette P’25 & Maria Grant P’25 ∆ *
Erin & Christopher Brewer P'25
Kim & David Briggs P'16
Kim & Roland Brissette P'24 ∆ *
Linda & Alfredo Brito P'26 *
Andrea & Arthur Brodeur P'24 ∆ *
Concetta & Walter Broker P'09
Hayley Brooks-Wallin P'26 & Les Wallin P'26 *
Jennifer (Boone) Brooks '95 '97, P'24 ∆ *
Ann & James Brow P'24 ∆ *
Christine & Victor Brown P'20, '24 ∆ *
Linda & Matthew Brown P'15 ∆
Russel Brown P'24 *
Heidi & Tedy Bruschi P'24 *
Martha & Joseph Buckley P'05, GP'26
Andrea & Kurt Burger P'25 ∆ *
Sean Burke M'17, P'23 & Paula Burke P'23 ∆ *
Tamara & David Burke P'19 ∆ *
Elizabeth & Shawn Burns P'23 *
June & Philip Burrows P'08 *
Alison Butter P'22 ∆ *
Amy & Mark Butterworth P'25 ∆ *
Karen Byram P'25
Timothy Byram P'25 ∆ *
Monique Byrne P'25 & Andrew Rogovin P'25
Kristin & Richard Cacciapaglia P’26 *
Rosa & Hector Cadena P'25 ∆
Robert Cady P'26
Laura Cafarelli '88 '17, P’26
Erin & Chris Cafferky P'23 ∆ *
Bonnie Caggianelli P'23 ∆ *
Nancy Calabro P'25 ∆ *
Ruth & Jose Calderon P'24 ∆
Rebecca & Thomas Callinan P'26 *
Tara Camo-Hart P’26 & Daniel Hart P'26 *
Brenda & Christopher Campbell P'20, '21 ∆
Danielle & Donald Campbell P'25 ∆ *
Laura & Phillip Canale P'24
Erin & Steven Cannata P'24 ∆ *
Amy & Scott Canute P'26 *
Janice (Montella) Cappello '70, P’07 & Nicholas Cappello P’07 ∆
Jennifer & Bedford Carbonel P'22, '26 *
Kirsten & John Carew P'22 ∆ *
Peter Carew P’26 & Kelly Donovan-Carew P'26 *
Dawn Marie & Thomas Carey P'19 *
Aimee & William Carlson P'24 ∆
Heidi & Gary Carlson P'22, '25 *
Susan Carmichael P’23 & Ronald Kesicki P'23 ∆ *
Kimberly & Robert Carnevale P'26 *
Lori-Ann & Dan Caron P'26
John Carricato P'19 ∆ *
Carolyn (Cluthe) Carroll '62, P'90, GP'18, '25 ∆
Lynn Carroll P’23 & Robert LeFebre P'23 ∆ *
Michele & Richard Carroll P’26 *
Michelle & Michael Carter P'19, '22 ∆
Allison Caruso P'24
Jane & John Carver P'14 ∆
Meredith & Douglas Casale P’26 ∆
M. Kathy & James Casson P'02 ∆ *
Gina & Franco Castagliuolo P’25 ∆ *
Colleen & Chris Castellano P'26 * ^^
Vikki-Lynn & Joseph Castellano P'15
Suzanne & Jeffrey Castle P'04 ∆
Laura & Christopher Cataldo P'22 ∆ *
Michelle & Michael Cataloni P'25
Carol & Pierre Catellier P'24 ∆ *
Diane & Christopher Catino P'26 *
CareyAnn & Anthony Cavallo P'25 ∆
Meghan & Art Cavanaugh P'25 *
Michelle & Robert Cawley P'24 *
Helene Cederholm P’23 & Ronny Johansson P'23 *
Linda & Mark Cerullo P'25 ∆ *
Kristen & Paul Cervone P'25 ∆ *
Lori & Earl Chabot P'13 ∆
Monica Chaclas P'26 *
Erin & David Chamberlain P'23 ∆ *
Maura & David Champigny P'20 *
Kimberly & William Charette P'18 ∆ *
Stacy Chojnowski P'26
Lynn & James Choquette P'24 ∆
Barbara & Howard Chow P'17 ∆
Eleanor & Brian Ciampa P'26 *
Lori Cianciulli P’23 & Joseph Pietrini P'23 ∆
Kimberly & Emilio Ciasullo P'26 *
Carol Ciffolillo P'24 ∆
Michele & Glenn Cioffi P'12 ∆ *
Rosemary & Peter Ciotto P'15 *
Sharon & Michael Clapprood P'25 ∆ *
Heather & Timothy Clark P'26 *
Judith Clayman P'91 (D) ∆
Florence & Elliott Clemmons P'23 ∆ *
Lisa & Gregory Clewes P'19
Lorie (Whitney) Cochran '75, P’05 & Robert Cochran P'05 ∆
Julie & Brett Coffin P'24 *
Jennifer (Peterson) Coggins '94, P’25 & Colby Coggins P'25 ∆
Jennifer & Mitchell Cohen P'23 ∆
Christina & Christopher Coito P'26 *
Jeanne Commette '00, P’02 & William Commette P'02 ∆
Frank Comparato P'21, '24 ∆
Jennifer & Patrick Conlon P'22, '24 ∆ *
Diane & John Connolly P'25 ∆ *
Kathryn (Turgeon) Connolly '93, P’23 & Kevin Connolly P'23
Pamela Connolly P'26
Karen & Jack Contois P'26 *
Diana & George Cooney P'26
Nancy & David Cooper P'25 ∆
Cheryl & Daniel Corbett P'11 ∆ *
Molly Corbett P’26 & Jeffery Wendell P'26 *
Pamela & Brian Corcoran P'24 ∆ *
Andrea & Scott Cordis P'23 ∆
Marilyn Corets P’26 & Adam Mihlstin P'26 *
Michael Correia P'26 *
Lori & David Couchot P'17, '20 *
Sandra & Todd Courcy P'25 ∆ *
Kelley & Brian Courtemanche P'20, '24 ∆
Ricardo Couto P'24 ∆ *
Brenda Couture P’20 & Laurier Couture, Jr. P'20 ∆
Andrea & Paul Couvee P'26
Sarah Covel P'24 ∆ *
Nicole & John Cox P'26
Cathleen Craft P’22 & Daniel Craft, Esq. P'22 *
Kevin Craig P'23 ∆ *
Kristen & Gordon Craig P'23 ∆
Susan & David Cranford P'24, '26 ∆
Nicole & Scott Craver P'25 ∆ *
Kelly & Daniel Creeron P'25
Elizabeth & Robert Crocker P'18 ∆
Brendan Cronin '99 M'03, P’10, 13 & Dr. Christine Cronin P'10, '13 ∆
Kristen & Brian Crovo P'23 ∆ *
Sharon & Timothy Crowley P'24 ∆ *
Tracy & Robert Cummings P'25 ∆ *
Richard Cunningham P'25 ∆
Angela & Donald Cupples P'25 *
Janet & James Curley P'23 ∆ *
Traci & George Cushman P'25
Christine & Paul Cusick P'25 ∆
Lynda & Randall Cyr P'24 ∆
D - G
Isabel & Victor DaCosta P'19 *
Amy & Jason Dailey P'26 *
Jodie Daley P'17, '20 ∆
Laura & Anthony Damata P'22 ∆ *
Elizabeth & Stratton Danes P'25 ∆ *
Jennifer Darcey P'23 *
Gerry-Lynn Darcy M'15, P'24
Tamatha Darrah P’24 & David Darrah, Jr. P'24 ∆ *
Jamie & Scott Davidoff P'26 *
Valerie Davio P'27 *
Barbara & Scott Davis P'23 ∆ *
Leah & Kevin Davis P'24
Marcia de la Rosa P'25
Janna & Darren De Risi P'25 ∆ *
Cynthia & Thomas DeAngelo P'24 *
Robin & Brian DeBenedetto P'23 ∆ *
Christine & Michael DeCanio P'26 *
Amy & Paul deCastro P'26 *
Kathleen & Michael DeCouta P'26 *
Mel & Sean Decowski P'26 *
Karen & David DeDonato P'17 ∆ *
Sharon & Stephen DelGenio P'20 *
Lisa & Scott Dellisola P'20 *
Anna DeMarco P'26 *
Thomas DeMarco P'26 *
Laura & Craig Dempsey P'25 ∆ *
Matthew Denecour P’26 & Johanna Viniello P'26 *
Tracey & Mark Dengler P'26 *
Gina DePaolo & John DePaolo, Jr. P'18 *
Deidre Depathy P'23 ∆
Cheryl & Paul DeShaw P'12
Joliene Deskus P'25 *
Ellen Desmond M'06 P’10, ’13 & Patrick Desmond P'10, '13 ∆
Christine Devereaux P'26 *
Becky & Peter Devoe P'24 ∆
Kaiesha & Temura Dias P'25
Catherine & Steve DiCairano P'09, '20 *
Grace Diersch P'25 ∆ *
Theodore Diesenhaus P’06 & Deanne Shapiro P'06 ∆
Dineen & Daniel Digiacomo P'25 ∆ *
Cheryl & Ronald Digou P'03 *
Antonia & Christopher DiLorenzo P'23 *
Nancy & James DiNardo P'22 ∆ *
Carmine & Darnell DiPietrantonio P'26 *
Diane & John DiSalvo P'25 *
Robert DiStasio P'23 ∆
Lisa & Thomas DiTullio P'17 *
David Doane P'23 ∆ *
Ginger & James Donaher P'08 ∆
Bonnie & Jeffrey Donahue P'26 *
Pamela & Thomas Donellan P'17 ∆
Robert Donovan P'25 ∆ *
Alison & Craig Dottor P'26
Suzanne Downing P'03 ∆
Leslie Drager P'23, '24 & Richard Hall P'23, '24
Johanna Dresser P'26 *
Jayne (Watson) Drinkwater '78 P'11, '20 & Paul Drinkwater P'11, '20
Linda & Charles Dronsfield P'12 ∆ *
Berta & Jose Duarte P'18 ∆
Rosa & Jose Duarte P'21, '26 *
Gina & James Duddy P'13 ∆ *
Patty Duddy P'26 *
Jennifer & Patrick Dudley P'26
Nancy & Paul Duffley P'23
Barbara Duffy P'22 ∆
Kelly & Mike Duggan P'26 *
Leeann & Stephen Dukas P'21, '27 *
Christa & James Dunleavy P'26 *
Leigh & Francis Durant P'26 *
Gina Dussi P'14 & John Dussi, Esq. P'14 ∆ *
Richard Dutremble P'25 ∆
Bonnie & Daniel Duval P'23
Frances Dykstra P'09 & Ricky Lugar P'09 ∆
Tonya & Greg Eastman P'24 ∆
Susan & Scott Edwards P'23 ∆ *
Maria & James Egan P'26 *
Melissa & Keith Eichmann P'26 *
Jacqueline & Michael Eisenband P'18 ∆ *
Louise & David Eklund P'03 ∆
Olise & Michael Elliott P'19 ∆ *
Jennifer & Graham Ellison P'22 *
Jennifer & Eric Elsinger P'23 ∆ *
Enrique Encarnacion P'26 & Solsiris Rivas P'26
Kevin Ernest P'26 ∆ *
Lauren & Brian Erwin P'26 * ^^
Ed Estey P'15 *
Karen Estey P'15 *
Nicole (Barker) Fabiano '92 P'25 & Peter Fabiano P'25 *
Jan & Burt Fahy P'06 ∆ *
Jamie & Michael Fantasia P'25 *
Julie & Glenn Farnham P'26 *
Kristen & Richard Faro P'21, '23 ∆
Sarah & Denis Farrell P'26 *
Jill & Paul Farrelly P'26 *
Jennifer & Christian Farrin P'23 ∆ *
Amy & Brad Favreau P'25 ∆ *
Melissa Fay P'22 *
Kimberly Federico P'26 *
Jodi & William Felton P'26
David Fergusson P’25 & Tracy Nichols P'25 ∆ *
Bridget (Buckley) Ferolito '05 P'26 & John Ferolito P'26 ^^Lisa & David Ferrandino P'26 *
Dorothy & John Ferreira P'25
Elizabeth & Joseph Ferreri P'23 ∆
Karen & Shawn Ferullo P'25 ∆ *
Mariellen & Gary Fidrych P'23 ∆ *
Brenda & Peter Fife P'24 ∆ *
Courtney & Ryan Fine P'26
Howard Fine P'22 & Mary Fishman P'22 ∆
Christine & Andrew Fiorillo P'25 ∆ *
Maria & Stanley Firek P'24 ∆ *
Kathleen & Edward Fitzgerald P'25 ∆
Robert Fitzgerald P’26 & Kerry Spence P'26 *
Kristin & Kevin Flandreau P'24 ∆ *
Brian Flaven P'25 ∆ *
Margaret Flaven P'25 ∆ *
Krismely Fleming P'26 *
Lorraine & Kevin Fleming P'18 ∆
Patricia (Mazzone) Fleming '91 P'26 & Daniel Fleming P'26 *
Michelle Flewelling '00 P'23 & Dwight Flewelling P'23
Kevin Flynn P'10 *
Melissa Flynn P'18 & Raymond Flynn, Jr. P'18 ∆
Tracy Flynn P'25 ∆ *
Jacqueline & James Foley P'23 *
Jessica Foley P'25 ∆ *
Jill Fopiano P'26 ∆ *
Rick Foresteire P'25 ∆ *
Christine & Christopher Forte P'23 *
Julie & James Fortin P'25
Jill & Jack Forward P'23 ∆ *
Wendy & Jospeh Fossa P'23, '25 ∆
Thomas Foster P'26 *
AnneMarie & Kenneth Fowler P'24 ∆ *
Maryellen & James Fox P'18 ∆ *
Patricia & Ronald Fox P'24 ∆ *
Amy & Edward Frammartino P'24 *
Alisa Fraone P'26 *
Cristina & Victor Frazao P'24 ∆ *
Debra & Kevin Frazier P'18 ∆
Kathy Frederick P’26 *
Lisa Freed P'20 ∆ *
Jean & John Freeman P'26
Philip Freiberger P'25 & Erin McCarthy-Freiberger P'25 ∆ *
Barbara & Richard French P'22 ∆
MaryJo & George French P'26 *
Michelle & William Fridlington P'25
Julie & Marc Gagne P'26 *
Deanna & Darren Gaiero P'23 ∆ *
Betsy & Kenneth Gale P'22 ∆
David Galin P'24 & Amy Holland P'24 ∆
Michelle & Robert Gallery P'24 ∆ *
Suzanne & Matthew Galusi P'26
Colleen Gamache P'25 ∆ *
Rick Gamache P'25 *
Tracy & Chris Gangi P'26 *
Dawn Gardner P'25
Samantha Gash P'21 & David Gilder P'21 ∆ *
Sarah & Arthur Gatzoulis P'24 ∆ *
Rebecca & Norman Gaulin P'24 ∆
Annah & Bruce Geiger P'26
Deanna & Stephen Gemmell P'24 *
Sarah & Robert Gemmell P'24
Jessica Genawese P'25 ∆
Debra Gentile P'09, '13 & Louis Gentile, Jr. P'09, '13 ∆ *
Patricia (Gilbert) George '78
Kimberly & Todd Gerrish P'20 ∆ *
Kelly & Tyler Gerry P'26 *
Ellen & Richard Gervais P'25 ∆ *
Judith & Mitch Getchell P'26 *
Eileen (Colman) Geyer '90 '92, P'07 & Brian Geyer P'07 ∆
Kristen Giancotti P'23 & Marco Giancotti, Sr. P'23 ∆ *
Tracey & Chris Gibbons P'26 *
Lisa & Scott Gibbs P'20 ∆ *
Kim & Jeffrey Gilbert P'25 *
Tammy & Rod Gilbert P'22 ∆ *
Marie & Stephen Gilet P'24
Susan & Patrick Gill P'19, '25 ∆ *
Mary & Michael Gilmore P'24 *
Douglas Gilson & Kristi Hardy-Gilson P'23 *
Phyllis & Joseph Giordano P'25 *
Elisa & Donald Giroux P'23, '27 ∆ *
Michael Giunta P'23 ∆ *
Barbara & Timothy Glendinning P’19
David Glover P'24
Caryn Goldberg P'26
Jill & Larry Goldstein P'23 ∆ *
Andrea & Steven Goodfellow P'26 *
Barbara Goodman P'25 & Raymond Goodman, III P'25 ∆ *
Jacqueline Gottesman P'24 ∆ *
Alda & Joseph Goulart P'12 ∆
Shirley Gould P'19 & Dr. Wayne Gould P'19 ∆ *
Stephanie & Charles Graap P'26 ∆ *
Jennifer & Peter Grabowski P'24 ∆ *
Susan Graf P'19 ∆ *
Shelly & Francis Grafton P'18 ∆
Margaret Grant P'22 ∆ *
Kerilyn Grasso P'24 ∆ *
Robert Gray P'26 *
Jennifer (Milley) Gregor '90, P'24 ∆ *
Dori & Scott Grenert P'26 *
Martin Griffin P'23
Jodie Griffith P'26 *
Jodi & Thomas Grimbilas P'23 ∆ *
AnneMarie Grimes '01 M'03 P'06 & George Grimes P'06 ∆
Nadine Grosso P'26 & Vincent Grosso, Jr. P'26 *
Tracey & Jeffrey Grote P'25 ∆ *
Elizabeth & Peter Gruszecki P'23 ∆
Melissa Guarnieri P'26 *
Carol & Robert Gulino P'08 *
Lisa Gustafson Greenwood P'25 ∆ *
Nurveta & Hazim Guster P'25 ∆ *
Kristin Gutauskas P'25 ∆ *
H - L
Nancy & Brian Haberly P'26
Anne Marie & Kevin Hafeman P'26 *
Julie & Mark Haight P'11 ∆
Kristen Halasz P'24 ∆ *
James Hallahan & Joelle Samaan P’26 *
Katherine & Christopher Halliday P'25 ∆ *
Bethany (Whitestone) Hallinan '94 P'26 & Sean Hallinan P'26 *
Tracey & Jonathan Hallman P’26
Wendy & Richard Hamilton P'15 ∆
Alison & Ken Hamm P'26 *
Catherine & Greg Hamm P'26 *
Christine & Mark Hanchuk P'17, '23 ∆ *
Nancy Hancock P'07 & Frederick Hancock, Jr. P'07 *
Amanda Hanlin-Hochler P'24 & Marc Hochler P'24
Lisa & Barry Hanrahan P'22 ∆ *
Michelle & George Hardiman P'23
Brooke Harrow & Garth Hirsch P'26
Maryanne & Michael Hart P'25 ∆ *
Gigi & Kurt Hartmann P'26 *
Nicole & Todd Hartt P'25 ∆ *
Heidi Harvey P'23 ∆ *
Karin & Michael Hauptman P'23 ∆ *
Annmarie & Scott Hayden P'24 ∆ *
Joseph Hayes P'14 ∆ *
Joy & Jamie Hayes P'24 ∆ * ^^
Mary & Daniel Haynes P'15 ∆
Janell Hayward P'23 ∆
Lisa Healion P'24 *
Christine & Terrence Healy P'25 ∆ *
Susan & John Healy P'19 *
Jaimye Hebert P’26
Alyssa & Michael Henderson P'23
Carolyn & David Henriquez P'24 ∆ *
Lisa & Mitchell Henry P'24 ∆ *
Magda Hermley P'26
Catherine & Stephen Herndon P'25 ∆ *
Suzanne Herron P'24
Jennifer & Robert Hicks P'26 *
Tashia & Sean Hilliard P'26
Suzanna & Adam Hinsdale P'26 *
Susan Hirschaut P'22
Kristina & Thomas Hislop P'26 *
Christine & Donald Hodges P'25 ∆ *
Mary Beth Hodgkins P'26 *
Anielia & William Hodgson P'23 ∆
Lisa & Richard Hoffman P'16 ∆
Marilyn & Alan Hoffman P'06 ∆
John Hogan P'23 ∆ *
Timothy Hogan '98 P'26 ∆ *
Caroline & Walter Hojnowski P'24 ∆ *
Julie & Mark Hollander P'26
Holli & Glenn Horine P'19, '23 ∆ *
Jennifer & Marc Horowitz P'26
Patricia & John Hosman P'25 ∆ *
Patrick Hovancik P'25 ∆
Kristin & John Henry Hubert P'26 *
Tracy & Kevin Hubert P'25 ∆ *
Lisa & Paul Hudson P'26
Daniel Hurley P'26
Lisa & George Hurley P'24 ∆
Kelly & Richard Hutchinson P'21 ∆
Berthilina & George Indaco P'15, '17 ∆
Maria Inestroza P'08, '12 & Dr. Sergio Inestroza P'08, '12 ∆ *
Denise & Joe Ingraffia P'24, '24 ∆ *
Noelle & Arthur Ingram P'23 *
Maria & Jeffrey Ingrando P'22, '24 ∆
Holly & Jerry Innerfield P'26 *
Susan & Rocco Iocco P'21
Christy & Christopher Jacobs P'26
Amy Jacques-Purdy P'26 & Brian Purdy P'26
Sarah Jahries P'25 ∆ *
Denise & Thomas Jamieson P'21, '23 ∆
Ann (Bollenback) Jamison '82 P’19 & Tom Jamison P’19
Christine Janeczak P'22 *
Barbara Jatzen-Smith P'11 & Douglas Smith P'11 ∆
Susan Jefferson P'24 ∆
Colleen & Scott Jenkins P'25 ∆ *
Jennifer & Matthew Jensen P'26 *
Joanne & Christopher Jensen P'26
Martha & Eric Jepsky P'26 *
Rachael & Brian Jewett P'25 ∆ *
Jacqueline & Martin John P'25 ∆ *
Bari & Wayne Johnson P'24 *
Jody & Bruce Johnson P'25 ∆ *
Lynn & Theodore Johnson P'26
Susan & Eric Johnson P'16
Dr. Mark Herlihy P'15 & Theresa Johnson-Herlihy P'15 ∆
Jaime & Brian Jones P'23 ∆ *
Jacqueline & Eric Josephson P'25 ∆
Linda & Simon Kaalman P'23 ∆
Sherene & Matthew Kaighn P'26
Marianne & Tom Kalmbach P'19 ∆
Hannah & James Kane P'24 ∆ *
Edward Karadizian P'25 & Sharon O'Brien P'25 ∆
Karen & Lloyd Karkos P'24 ∆ *
Linda (Derderian) Karpiej '76 P'15, '22 & Robert Karpiej P'15, '22 ∆
Ashley Karwowski P'26 *
Dana & Bernard Kavanagh P'23 ∆ *
Kim & Stephen Kay P'20 ∆
Paula & Gary Kazangian P'26 *
Tina Kazlanckus P'26 *
Diane & Brian Kearney P'26
Laura & William Keating P'26
Barbara & Kevin Keaveney P'23 ∆ *
Chrisa Keck P'24 ∆ *
Wendy & Daniel Keefe P'23 ∆
Gabrielle & Shawn Keegan P'22 ∆
Teri & Andrew Keene P'26 *
Catherine & Terry Keim P'19 ∆ *
Carla & John Kellachan P'26
Bonnie Kelleher P'23 *
Caryn & Scott Kelly P'26
Susan & Mark Kelly P'25 ∆ *
Colleen Kelty P'20 & Dr. Robert Kelty P'20 ∆
Regina & Ken Kempster P'24 ∆
Stephanie & Dave Kenkel P'24 *
Janice Kenyon P'15 & George Soules P'15 ∆
Ted Kenyon P'25 ∆ *
Beth Kerrigan P'25 ∆
Karyn & Timothy Kirwan P'24
Elizabeth & Steven Klepack P'24
Melissa & Jason Klindtworth P'26 *
Shauna Knapp P'26 *
Everett Knowlton, II P'25 ∆ *
Kristin Kohn P'26
Joanna & John Kolis P'24 ∆
Christine Kollmorgen P’24 & Charles Zachem P'24 ∆ *
LeAnn & George Kontogiannis P'26 *
Nicole & Nicholas Kontos P'26 *
Carrie & Michael Koppang P'25
Scott Kornusky P'26 & Jennifer Shink Kornusky P'26 *
Della Kozlowski '08 M'10 P'14, 18 & Daniel Kozlowski P'14, '18
Tracey & Michael Kozlowski P'24 ∆ *
Karen & Michael Kriss P'17, '18
Justyna & Krzysztof Krysztoforski P'26 *
Erica & Eric Kuharich P'26 *
Patricia & James Kuhlman P'22 *
Kathryn & Stanley Kula P'24 ∆
Nicole & James Kulhawy P'23 ∆ *
Jeffrey Kulhay P'24 ∆ *
Lisa Kulhay P'24 ∆ *
Roberta Kyle P'26 ^^
Michelle & Rob LaÑÇÖÞÉ«°Éiere P'20 ∆
Elizabeth & Richard LaCross P'26 *
Melissa & Rene Laliberte P'20 ∆
Kelly & Kevin Lambert P'25 ∆
Ann & Anthony Lampasona P'23 ∆ *
Mary Michelle & John Lander P'26 *
Shari Laprise P'22 & Jonathan Rosengrant P'22 ∆ *
Christine & Robert Larcom P'08 ∆
Judy Laske P'24 ∆ *
Tracy & Frank Lasquade P'25 ∆ *
Sara LaVallee P'23 & Edwin LaVallee, Jr. P'23 *
Lynn & Rich LaValley P'25 *
Christine & Adam Lawrence P'26 *
Nora & William Lawry P'23 ∆ *
Kelly & Paul Lawson P'21 ∆
Deborah & Matthew Leahy P'23 ∆ *
Mary Lear P'25 ∆ *
Patricia & Chris Leclair P'25 ∆ *
Leandra & Christopher LeClerc P'26 *
Tina Lee P'25 ∆ *
Barron Leeds P'10 ∆ *
Kristen Lehmann P'25 *
Edna & Chad Leith P'26 *
Paul LeJeune P'25 ∆
Katie Lemay P'23 ∆ *
Karen & Edward Lenehan P'23 ∆
Julie & John Leonard P'23 ∆ *
Laurie & Bradley Leonard P'19
Michelle & Scott Lerner P'21 *
Amy & John Lester P'23
Susan & John LeTourneau P'11 ∆
Lori Leurini P'24 ∆
Heather Lewis M'21 P'23 & Douglas Lewis P'23 ∆
Paul Lewis P'24
Kimberly & Rodney L'Heureux P'26 *
John Liberator P'12 ∆
Melanie & John Licavoli P'26 *
Paula & Dave Licciardi P'24 ∆ *
Christine & Michael Liguori P'23 ∆
Karen Linabury P'23
Lisa & Jim Liponis P'26 *
Alyssa & Matthew Little P'26 *
Jennifer Lloyd P'24 & Byron Lloyd, Jr. P'24
Christine LoConte P'20 ∆
Elizabeth Loesch P'24 ∆
KellyAnn & Max Loescher P'22 ∆ *
Laura & David Lombardi P'23
Karen Loomer '04, '06, P'15 ∆
Karen & Carlos Lopes P'24 ∆
Pamela & Rolando Lora P'26 *
Gretchen & Bryan Lord P'26 *
Inez & Justin Lord P'20
Angela & Wayne Lorinchak P'24 ∆ *
Pamela & William Lovejoy P'25 ∆ *
Shannon & Dennis Lucia P'24 ∆
Timothy Luciano P'23
Jennifer & Christopher Lund P'24 ∆ *
Betty Lykins P'13 ∆
Francesca & Daniel Lynch P'23 ∆ *
Gale (Davis) Lynch '10, P'10 & Thomas Lynch P'10 ∆
Marikate & David Lynch P'26 *
Kristin Lyons-Matte P’26 & Eric Matte P’26 *
M - O
Rachelle & Robert MacGillivray P'23, '25 ∆ *
James Machado P'18 *
Maribeth & Richard MacKenzie P'26
Julie Mackinnon P’26
Karen & William Macri P'24 ∆ *
Donna & John Maggiore P'14, '16 *
Lucillia Maggipinto P'22 ∆ *
Angela Maggs P'26 & Jesse Maggs, Sr. P'26 *
Kelli & John Magnier P'24 ∆ *
Lynn & Thomas Maher P'24 ∆
Chrisoula & Vijay Mahida P'26
Cala & Brendan Mahoney P'13, '17 ∆
Cindy & Brian Mahoney P'24, '24 ∆ *
Joanne & Paolo Maldari P'26 *
Julie & William Mallett P'24, '26 *
Marybeth & John Mallios P’26
Zelia & Mark Malmquist P'22 *
Cynthia & James Malonson P'26 *
Michelle & Hugh Mangan P'24 ∆
Rita & Thomas Maniates P'15, '17 ∆
Elaine & Peter Manners P'24
Nicolle Manning P'27
Kirsten & Cory Marconi P'26 *
Kristine & David Marengi P'22, '24 ∆ *
Samantha & Vincenzo Marino P'21 ∆
Donna & Glenn Marotto P'23 ∆ *
Michael Marsallo P'26 *
Toni Ann Marsallo P'26 *
Jennifer & Lee Marshall P'26 *
Renae & Tom Marshall P'18 *
Christine & Anthony Marti P'26 *
Laura Martinelli P'26 ∆ *
Alicia & Mario Martins P'11, '13, '24 ∆
Jamie Marzocca P'19 ∆
Andrea & Scott Maselek P'21 ∆ *
Francis Massauro P'26 *
Nancy & James Masse P'16
Lori Masucci P'23, '25 *
Michael Masucci P'23, '25 *
Naila Matkevich P'26 & Matthew Matkevicius P'26 *
Marie & Edward Matteo P'23 ∆ *
Heather & Robert Matthews P'25 ∆ *
Deborah Mazur P'23 *
Tia & Thomas Mazza P'26 *
Dierdre & John McAvoy P'22 ∆ *
Cheryl & Sean McCaffrey P'23 *
Dr. Wesley McCain P’15 & Noreene Storrie P'15 ∆
Jill & Shaun McCarthy P'22, '24 ∆ *
Lisa & John McCarthy P'26 *
Stephen McCarthy P'22 *
Jennifer & Mark McCartin P'24 ∆
Gretchen & Peter McClure P'25 ∆ *
Jill McClure P'25 *
Mimi & Kenneth McColl P'26 *
Lauren McCool P'25 ∆
Ann & Stuart McCord P'22 ∆
Geoff McCoy P'26 *
Jennifer McCoy P'26 *
Tracey & Christopher McDermott P'24 *
Bonnie & Edward McDonald P'25 *
Dinah & Michael McDonald P'20, '23 ∆ *
Nancy & Michael McElwain P'25 *
Kyle & Kevin McEntee P'12 ∆ *
Catherine & George McGrath P'22 ∆ *
Cynthia & Daniel McGrath P'24 ∆ *
Jennifer & Peter McIlvin P'25 ∆
Linda McIntosh P'19
Amanda & Marc McIntyre P'17 ∆ *
Carolyn & John McKaig P'24 ∆ *
Brenda & Shaun McKenna P'18 ∆ *
Kathleen & Matthew McKerley P'25 ∆ *
Nicholle McKiernan P'25 ∆ *
Deborah & Brian McKinley P'21 ∆ *
Elizabeth & Michael McKinnon P'17 ∆ *
Amy & Craig McLaren P'24 ∆ *
Diane McLaughlin P'24 ∆ *
Elizabeth McLaughlin P’24 ∆ *
Nicole & Paul McMahon P'23
Tammy & Stephen McManaway P'22 ∆ *
Sharon & Scott McNeill P'26 *
Tricia & John McTernan P'24 *
John Meedzan M'16 P’21 & Dr. Nancy Meedzan P'21 ∆
Lisa & William Meehan P'26 *
Janna Mendonca P'25 ∆ *
Phyllis & George Meropoulos P'24 ∆ *
Kathleen & Jonathan Merrill P'25 ∆ *
Christy & Christopher Merullo P'26
Maureen & David Metayer P'26 *
Olivia Metzger P'25 ∆
Christine & John Meuse P'23 ∆
Wendy & David Meyers P'26
Janet & John Miani P'24 ∆ *
Melissa & Alban Michaud P'20 *
Laura & Michael Mikson P'26 ∆ *
Jason Miles P'23 *
Dana & Matthew Millar P'22 ∆ *
Amanda Miller P'26 *
Audrey Miller P'25 ∆
Steve Miller P'26 *
Elizabeth (Shanning) Milley '66 P'90 GP'24 ∆ *
Emily & Adrian Mills P'26 *
Sophie Minc-Baumgaertner P'09, '11 ∆
Rowena & Robert Miner P'26
Suzy & Christopher Miner P'24 *
Margaret Minnock P'25 ∆ *
Angela & Anthony Miranda P'14, '14 ∆
Susan & Peter Misiaszek P'22, '26 ∆ *
Cynthia Mitsakis PhD'18 P'22, '24 & Timothy Mitsakis P'22, '24 ∆
Marilyn & Gary Mittleman P'26 ∆ *
Amanda & Enrique Molina P'25 ∆ *
Dawn & Alex Monteiro P'23
Timothy Montgomery P'23
Anne & Michael Moore P'26 *
Christian Moore P’25 ∆ *
Eldora Moore P'19 ∆
Mary & John Morency P'21 ∆ *
Iris & John Moresi P'25
Terri & Scott Morgan P'26 *
Sheryl Moriarty P'25 *
John Morris P'17 ∆ *
Rhonda & Wayne Morris P'24, '25 ∆ *
Filomena (Correia) Morton '85 P’22 & Robert Morton P'22 ∆
Natalie Moses P'25 *
Michele Motta P'22 ∆
Christine Moussavian P'22 ∆
Michele & Charles Mulik P'26
Christine & Eric Mullens P'23 ∆ *
Ann & Thomas Mulligan P’25 ∆ *
Lisa & John Mulready P'24 ∆ *
Joanne & Brian Murphy P'24 ∆ *
Mary & David Murphy P'24 ∆
Ruth & James Murphy P'24 ∆ *
Meredith & John Murray P'25 ∆ *
Rosemarie & Michael Murray P'26 *
Kathleen & William Muzarol P'19 *
Michelle & Nicholas Napolitano P'23 ∆ *
Anne & Michael Nardone P'23 ∆ *
Sarah Nastasi P’14 & Dr. Richard Nastasi P'14 ∆
David Natola P'24, '26 *
Sharon Natola P'24, '26 *
Deana & Sean Neal P'22 ∆
Christine & John Neary P'26 *
Margaret & Scott Nessler P'22 ∆
Maribeth Netishen P'22, '25 ∆ * ^^
Kelly & Kevin Nick P'23 ∆ *
Kathryn & William Noall P'25 *
Jeff Nolan P'25 ∆ *
Karin Nolan P'26 *
Meghan Nolet-Downey P'25 ∆ *
Lori & John Norton P'24
Julie & Michael Notarangelo P'24 ∆ *
Kathleen & Thomas Noury P'24 *
Tracy & Paul Nowicki P'24 ∆ *
Charlene & Anthony Nutile P'26 *
Amber & William Nye P'25 ∆ *
Heather & David O'Brien P'25 ∆ *
Kathleen O'Brien P'25
Christine & Michael O'Connor P'23 ∆ *
Sandra O'Driscoll P'27 *
Maureen O'Farrell P’26 & Walter Sizemore P'26 *
Leah & Christopher OKeefe P'17, '19, '22 ∆ *
Jude Olson P'23 & James Olson, Jr. P'23 ∆ *
Kerry & Peter Olson P'24 ∆
Jennifer & Jonathan O'Neil P'26
Lori & Ben O'Neil P'23 ∆ *
Sonya & Joseph O'Neil P'24 *
Martha & Bert Oppenheim P'26 *
Terre & Daniel Oram P'20 *
Lisanne & Keith O'Reilly P'19 ∆ *
Michael & Michelle Oriola P’20 *
Celeste Ormerod P'25 *
Raymond Ormerod P'25 ∆ *
Karen & Stuart Ormsbee P'26
Kathleen O'Rourke P'25 ∆
Ann & Thomas Osborne P'16 ∆ *
Leanne (Clancy) Ouellette '88 P'20, '24& Donald Ouellette P'20, '24 *
Lori & Robert Ouellette P'23 ∆
P - R
Michael Pacheco, Jr. P'24 ∆ *
Steven Padeck P'26 & Colleen Scanlan Padeck P'26 *
Michelle & Frank Padovano P'26 *
Michelle & George Page P'22 ∆ *
Leanne & Brian Pagluiso P'24 ∆ *
Kim & Robert Palazzo P'18 *
Elizabeth & Robert Palombo P'26 *
Kristen Palumbo P'26 *
Lynn & Andrew Pandiani P'25
Janine Paolella M'09 P'17 & Victor Neri P'17
Terri Parent P’23 & Thomas Parent, III P'23 ∆ *
Dawn & John Parkinson P'25 *
Arsenio Pascual P'26 & Mary Verostek P'26 *
Nancy (Winter) Patrick '70 P'06 & James Patrick, III P'06 ∆
Lori Pattison P'24
Corey & Thomas Paul P'23
Michelle Paulishen P'25 ∆ *
Elizabeth & John Paulson P'26
Shannon & Steven Paymer P'26
Dawn & Kevin Pelletier P'26 *
Melissa & James Pelletier P'25 ∆ *
Elizabeth & Geoffrey Pendexter P'23
Diane & Brian Pepin P'12 ∆ *
Amy & James Perrault P'26 *
Mary & William Pierce P'26 ∆ *
Maureen & Brian Pierce P'23 ∆
Robyn & Arthur Pierce P'23 ∆ *
Christine & Walter Pilbin P'14, '23
Patricia & David Pinciaro P'13, '15 ∆ *
Denise Pintone P’25 ∆
Samantha & Thomas Pleasant P'26 ∆
Jonelle & Jason Plourde P'26
Katherine & Donald Plourde P'25
Ivy & Jason Pohl P'24, '25 ∆ *
Tara Pollard P'25
Paula & Edward Pomponio P'25 ∆ *
Courtney & Jamie Poole P'24 ∆ *
Jennifer & Christian Pope P'25 ∆ *
Heather & Damon Popella P'25 ∆ *
Stephanie & James Popkin P'23 ∆ *
Lucy & Daniel Potter P'16 ∆ *
Jill Potts P'25 ∆ * ^^Susan & Timothy Powers P'20, '25
Gina & Ken Prisco P'21 ∆ *
Elizabeth & Samuel Proko P'23 ∆ *
Melanie & Anthony Puccio P'24 ∆ *
Karen & Adrian Purtschert P'24
Eleanor Pye P'22 & Luigi Rosatone P'22 ∆ *
Michelle & Sean Quinlan P'26 *
Karen & Dennis Quinn P'23 ∆
Karla & Gerard Quinn P'22 ∆ *
Nancy & Kevin Quinn P'15 *
Lane & Shawn Rabin P'26 ∆ *
Kari Raffa P'25
Julie & Theodore Raftelis P'23 ∆
Christine & Matthew Rameaka P'26 *
Christian Rand P'25
Beverly & Anthony Randazza P'22 ∆
Deborah Raposa P'11 ∆
Lauri Rawls M'05 P'22 & James Rawls P'22 ∆ *
Susan Read P'26 *
Kimberley & Joe Reale P'24 ∆
Robin & Michael Reeves P'23 ∆ *
Beth Regulbuto M'12 P'23 ∆ *
Kathryn & John Reid P'26 *
Emily & Donald Reilley P'26 *
Patricia & Scott Relihan P'26
Jean & Peter Relyea P'22 ∆
Allison & Keith Rentfro P'26 *
Kerri Reynolds Irons P'23 ∆
Sharon & Raymond Ricci P'19, '26
Shelley & Timothy Rice P'26 *
Karrie & Donald Richard P'24
Robin & Ronald Richtarich P'24 ∆ *
Tanya & Daniel Riley P'25 ∆ *
Linda Rindos P'24 ∆
Elaine & James Rinkert P'21 ∆ *
Juliana & Jonathan Rischitelli P'25 ∆ *
Michael Riu P'20 ∆
Tracey Riu P'20 ∆
Catherine & Timothy Rives P'17 ∆
Dr. Linda Robson ∆
Kathleen & Eric Rocco P'26 *
Denise Roche P'26 *
Nancy Roche P'25 ∆ *
Ana Roda-Fogarty '92 '94 P'26 & Brian Fogarty P'26
Sandra & Roberto Rodrigues P'26 *
Gino Romani P'26
Nadine & Terrence Rooney P'26 *
Stacey Rosa P'25 & Jeffrey Sihpol P'25 ∆ *
Kathleen Rose-Johnsen P'26 *
Veronica & Jeffrey Rosenblatt P'22 *
Mordecai Rosenfeld P'94 ∆
Kimberley & Keith Ross P'22 ∆ *
Suzanne Ross P'25 *
Helen & Louis Rotella P'05 ∆
Cynthia & Andrew Roth P'22 ∆ *
Kim & David Rothfuchs P'25 ∆
Diane & Peter Rothman P'26
Paul Rothman P'15 ∆
Laurie Roux P'25
Kimberly Rowe P'23 ∆ *
Leeanne & Arthur Rubeck P'24 ∆
Gregory Ruel P'25 ∆ *
Kathleen Ruel P'25 ∆
Rosemary & Agustin Ruela P'26
Domenic Russo P'23 ∆ *
Kym Rutkiewicz P'23 ∆ *
Gwendolyn & Philip Ryan P'26 *
Kimberly & Jay Ryan P'24, '26 ∆ *
Susan & Thomas Ryan P'23 ∆ *
S - Z
Judith & Joseph Sabella P'02 ∆
Donna Sachetti P'26
Danielle & David Salgueiro P'23 *
Susan & Thomas Salice P'13 ∆
Jane Salisbury P'24, '24, '24 ∆
Tess Samperi P'18 ∆
Chiuho Sampson & Craig Sampson, Jr. P’18 ∆
Joanne & Kenneth Sampson P'25 ∆ *
Amy & Joe Sanborn P'26 ∆ *
Kerry & Reade Sands P'26 *
Susan (Kiernan) Santin '83 P’16 & Ernest Santin P'16 ∆
Jennifer & Daniel Savery P'25
Ann & Peter Sawchuck P'15 ∆ *
Pamela Scangas '70 P’09 & Gregory Desses P'09 ∆
Jennifer & Mark Schairer P'26 *
Kristine & Jeff Schlehuber P'25 ∆ *
Lauren & Darrin Schmautz P'25 ∆ *
Lynda & Andrew Schneeloch P'25 ∆ *
Sarah Schneider Zuro P’26 & Brian Zuro P'26
Sandra Schuchmann P’18 & Michael Schuchmann, Sr. P'18 ∆
Liz & Barry Schueler P'23 *
Joanna & Kenneth Schulman P'16 ∆
Marnie & Marc Schulman P'21 *
William Schultz P'24, '24, '24 ∆ *
Elizabeth Schwartz P’18 & Wallace Schwartz, Esq. P'18 ∆
Diane & Brian Schwede P'23 ∆ *
Julie & Dave Schwingbeck P'23 ∆
Maria & Michael Sciaudone P'25 ∆ *
Sandra & Kenneth Scully P'26 *
Lisa & John Secone P'23 ∆ *
Mary & David Secor P'21 ∆
Jody & Ronald Seger P'25 *
Beverly & Peter Seibold P'24 ∆
Racqel & Brian Self P'26 *
Alessandra Seney Sharpe P'23
Jean & John Serafin P'25 ∆ *
Leigh Serth P'26
Donna & Michael Shane P'19, '21 ∆ *
Pamela & Paul Shapleigh P'18, '25 ∆
Michelle & James Shattuck P'24 ∆
Kathryn & Jon Sheehan P'25 ∆ *
Stacie Sheehan P'26 *
Timothy Sheehan P'26 *
Tina & James Shenko P'18, '23
Megan & Brian Shepherd P'22 ∆
Susan & George Sherman P'19, '21 ∆
Donna & David Shilale P'26 *
Russ Shpur P'23 & Alicia Simonetti-Shpur P'23 ∆ *
Pamela & Wayne Shurling P'25 ∆ *
Alissa Sievers P'23 ∆
Sandra & Scott Sigman P'23 ∆ *
Jennifer & James Silveira P'25 *
Leah & Scott Silver P'23 *
Christopher Simon P’24 & Tina Wang P'24 ∆
Robert Simpson P'24 ∆ *
Lynn & Roger Sirois P'23
Patricia Sisouphone P'26 *
Andrea & Charles Sisson P'23 ∆ *
Margaret & Robert Sitarz P'07, '12 ∆ *
Valerie & Mark Slepoy P'24 ∆
Jennifer & Granville Small P’26 *
Dr. Amy Smith P'24 & David Smith P'24
Dianna & Eugene Smith P'25 ∆
Karleen & Brian Smith P'22 ∆
Melinda & Ronald Smith P'24 ∆ *
Molly Smith P'26 *
Courtney (Carroll) Snyder '90 P'18, '25
Douglas Snyder P'18, '25
Tanya & James Snyder P'26
Heather & Eric Sodel P’26
Kimberly & Brian Speck P'24 ∆ *
Allison & Richard Spies P'24 ∆ *
Jeanette & Gary Spinelli P'24 ∆ *
Christina & Karl Spooner P'26
David St. Germain P'23
Erin St. Germain P'23
Lisa & Frank St. Peter P'26 *
Karen & Matthew St. Thomas P'23 ∆ *
Kelly & Daniel St. Laurent P'24 ∆ *
Sherilyn Stack P'25 *
Hope Stamps P'23 & Eurie Stamps, Jr. P'23
Patricia & Brennan Starkey P'18 ∆
Paula & Peter Starkweather P'23
Lynne & Stephen Stasiak P'15 ∆
Molly & John Staunton P'24 ∆ *
Dianne & Larry Stearns P'15, '17
Roxanne & Keith Steele P'26
Gretchen & Louis Stein P’25 ∆ *
Peter Stergos P'25 ∆ *
Abby & Derek Stern P'26 * ^^
Mary & Victor Sternberg P'23 ∆
Cathy Sterrett P'26
Tom Sterrett P'26 *
Melissa Stetson P'25 ∆
Karen & Richard Stewart P'24 ∆
Susan & Stephen Stinson P'26 *
Vanessa Stolar M'18, P'17 ∆ *
Renee & Frank Stoncius P'26 *
Hana Stone P'26 *
Teresa & Eric Stone P'26 *
Lisa & Kenneth Stranahan P'23 ∆
Sandra & Thomas Stuart P'26 *
Elizabeth & Jan Sucic P'22 ∆
Andrea & Thomas Sullivan P'26
Heather & Patrick Sullivan P'26 *
Jennifer & James Sullivan P'26 *
Tracey Sullivan P'24
Laura & Steven Sundquist P'24
Joline & Thor Swanson P'26 *
Jennifer & Stephen Sweeney P'26 *
Jeanne Swiacki P’25 & William Swiacki, Jr. P'25
Karen & Robert Taft P'25 *
Dawn & Richard Talerico P'21, '24 ∆ *
Judy & David Tanzella P'22, '23 ∆
Lora & Daniel Tarlin P'22 ∆ *
Silke & Jose Tecun P'23 ∆ *
Christopher Terpko P'26 *
Kristin Terpko P'26 *
Eleanor & Bronson Terry P'26 ∆
Leticia Tessier P'26 *
Suzanne Thatcher P'23
Laura & Matthew Therrien P'23 ∆ *
Michele & Steven Thibault P'26 *
Laura & Edward Thibeault P'24 ∆ *
Lisa & John Threhane P'18, '24
Mary & Daniel Tighe P'26 *
Sharon & Scott Timko P'24 *
Marjorie Timmermann P'26
Tracey & Stephen Tirrell P'26 *
Colleen & Craig Tocci P'19 *
Melissa & Mark Tocci P'25 ∆
Mary Toland P'25 ∆ *
Elizabeth & John Tomulonis P'25 *
Ronald Torgersen P'25 *
Aileen Torrance, Esq. P'18, '22 ∆ *
Christine & Scott Toupin P'24 ∆ *
David Tower P'26 *
Jodi Tripodi P'22 ∆ *
Jana Trnovsky P'24
Susan Trotter P'23 *
Aimee & James Tucker P'26
Carolyn & Martin Tucker P'26
Allison & John Turkowski P'20 ∆ *
Elizabeth & Charles Turner P'24 ∆ *
Leslie (Wood) Tuttle '72 P’01∆
Paige & Cory Tyksinski P'17, '26 *
Kristin & Mark Typrowicz P'25 ∆ *
Angela & Robert Tyson P'26 *
Jennifer & Rodney Uyeda P'25 ∆ * ^^
Michele & Ralph Vaccaro P'26
Christa Valentine P'26
Kristie Valentino P'26
Rachel & Curt Van Emon P'23 ∆ *
Susan & Nick Vasiliadis P'26
Lynne & Eric Vaughan P'06, '06 ∆ *
Sharon & Anthony Veatch P'26 *
Annette & Ismael Velez P'26 *
Donna Veronelli P'18
Jennifer Villiard P’25 & Donald Villiard, Jr. P’25 ∆
AnnMarie & Dominick Violano P'25 ∆ *
Lorinda & Alan Visnick P'20 ∆
Sue & Tom Vitko P'23 ∆ *
Thomas Vogel P'24 ∆
Marit & Jon von Tetzchner P’26
Linda & Joe Vuksta P'21 * ^^
Elizabeth & Mark Wagner P'22 ∆ *
Karen Waisnor P'25 ∆ *
Hilary & Richard Waldron P'24
Cynthia & Michael Walker P'12 ∆ *
Susan & Brett Walker P'26 *
Laura & R. Jacob Walters P'06 ∆ *
Jill & James Walton P'26 *
Holly & Johnny Wang P'24 ∆ *
Eileen & Stephen Wargo P'25 *
Michelle & Dean Warner P'24 ∆ *
Joanne Watts P'23 ∆ *
Lora & Timothy Webb P'18, '20 ∆ *
Dr. Mary Weiss P’22 & Thomas Zane P'22 ∆
Marianne & Timothy Weldon P'25 ∆ *
Christopher Wells P'19, '21, '24 ∆
Stephen Wells P'24 ∆ *
Cynthia (Arcoleo) Westerman '84 P'16, '18 & David Westerman P'16, '18 ∆
Tracey & Ashley Westlake P'26
Lisa & Timothy Whalen P'26
Kristen Whelan P'25 *
Karen Wiberg P'26
Ramey Wight P'17 ∆ *
Laura & Jason Wightman P'24 ∆ *
Lisa & John Wightman P'23 ∆ *
Amy & Jay Wilichoski P'26 ∆ *
Kimberly & Rolf Williams P'25 ∆ *
Kristine & John Williams P'23 ∆
Melissa Williams P'24
Natalie & James Williams P'26 *
Wendy & Aaron Williams P'25 *
Maria Elena & George Wilson P'25 *
Kassandra & Michael Winstone P'24
Nancy & James Wladkowski P'25 ∆ *
Rosemary & Kevin Woitowicz P'13 ∆
Deborah & Daniel Wolfram P'24 ∆
Catherine Wong P’26 & Dr. Gene Wong P'26
Amy & Brian Woo P'26
Amy & Aaron Woods P'26 ∆
Velaire & Kris Woolsey P'24 ∆
Sarah Woozley P'25
Margaret Wulff P'25 ∆ *
Maureen & John Yamartino P'21 ∆
Cathy & Randolph Yates P'24 ∆ *
Cheryl & Andrew York P'22 ∆
Danielle & Russell Youmans P'25 ∆ *
Cathleen & Kenneth Young P'25 ∆ *
The Young Family P’25 ∆ *
Kimberly & Randy Young P'25 ∆
Marcella & C. C. Young P’26 *
David Yule P'16
Anthony Yusunas P'22 ∆ *
Allison (Stark) Zak '90 P’19 & Rick Zak P'19 *
Alexander Zani P'12 ∆ *
Joanne Zeolie P'18, '26 & Wilfred Zeolie, Jr. P'18, '26 *
Kim & Thomas Zona P'26 *
Janine & Cosimo Zullo P'26 *
(D) – Deceased
P – Parent
GP – Grandparent
MH – Malden Hospital School of Nursing Alumna/us
∆ – Cornerstone Society Member
* – Gull Club Donor
^^ – Gull Ambassador
Names in bold type are those who contributed $500 or more